Open the Lock — Leetcode 752
Original problem link:
In this problem, we’re given a combination lock with the 4 starting wheels at position 0000 and a target combination to unlock the lock. The wheels are marked 0–9 where 0 can be turned to 9 in one turn and vice versa. Otherwise one turn increments or decrements the number. There are also a set of “deadend” combinations given where the wheels stop turning and you cannot unlock the lock. We’re asked to return the minimum turns required to unlock the lock or -1 if it is impossible.
This is a graph problem suited for BFS algorithm where the possible neighbors are the next combinations possible via one turn of each one of the wheels respectively.
class Solution {
public int openLock(String[] deadends, String target) {
String start = "0000";
Set<String> deadendSet = new HashSet<>();
for (String d : deadends) {
Queue<Pair<String, Integer>> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
queue.add(new Pair(start, 0));
Set<String> visited = new HashSet<>();
if (deadendSet.contains(start)) {
return -1;
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
Pair<String, Integer> curr = queue.poll();
String combination = curr.getKey();
int turns = curr.getValue();
char[] wheels = combination.toCharArray();
if (combination.equals(target)) {
return turns;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
char original = wheels[i];
wheels[i] = turnUp(original);
String next1 = new String(wheels);
if (!visited.contains(next1) && !deadendSet.contains(next1)) {
queue.add(new Pair(next1, turns + 1));
wheels[i] = turnDown(original);
String next2 = new String(wheels);
if (!visited.contains(next2) && !deadendSet.contains(next2)) {
queue.add(new Pair(next2, turns + 1));
wheels[i] = original;
return -1;
private char turnUp(char curr) {
if (curr == '9') {
return '0';
return curr;
private char turnDown(char curr) {
if (curr == '0') {
return '9';
return curr;
This solution beats about 92% of submissions at 84 ms of runtime.